A drive six kilometres west of the township of Kununurra will take you to the mighty Ord River. If you cross the river and take the first road to the left you will arrive at Reach Beyond’s Broadcast Facility at Lot 579, Packsaddle Road.
Reach Beyond has a 200 acre farm, currently growing bananas, mangoes and sandalwood trees and is the home of the newly opened Alta-1 College. Accommodation for long-term or short-term mission staff and volunteers is located on site. A Sunday afternoon tour (during the dry season from May to end of July) of the property takes visitors a further three kilometres to the broadcast facility itself, with its high antennas (the tallest is 128 metres) and transmitter building.
The transmitter building, towers and antennas have been built and erected by a core group of experienced staff supported by a multitude of volunteers, all made possible through God’s provision.